Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Valentine's Month

I hope all is well with everyone. I haven't worked on this blog for over a month. I am sure most of you can guess As I want to use this blog mostly for posting my photographs that is what I am adding today...just a few from the past two months. Hope you enjoy them.

Amy and Brittney

Miss Sydney

Brittney a bit tired of having her photo taken.

Brittney and her beautiful smile.

Our lovely thirteen year old.

The three girls.

I adore Sydney's laughter and expresssions. She adores Elmo!

Sydney would NOT let go of this piece of red plastic!

Have a wonderful month everyone. I am going to try and add photographs of Hunter and Drew before the month is over. Let me know what you want me to add (new or old) and what you think of this "blog." Much love, MM

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